
Neuron7 provides unparalleled resolution accuracy and includes comprehensive AI-as-a-Service for every customer. Get in touch to learn more about custom solutions with end-to-end support.

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Customer Success
  • Bespoke Customization & Maintenance
  • Data Drift Governance
  • Change Management Support
  • Training Support
  • KPI Improvement
  • Escalation Management
AI-as-a-Service Stack
  • AI Software Service 
  • AI Developer Services 
  • AI Infrastructure Services  
  • Single Tenant
  • Soc 2, Type II Security Compliance
  • Hosted and Managed
  • No PII Data Stored
  • Eliminate Hallucinations & Toxicity ​
Implementation & Setup
  • APIs and Integration
  • Configuration
  • Custom Reports & Dashboards
  • User Roles & Set Up
  • Data Curation
  • Language Translation
Technical Support
  • 24/7 Tech Support In-House (Email/Phone)
  • New Releases and Upgrades 
All in your existing workflows
Neuron7 works seamlessly within your existing service environment, providing fast, accurate resolutions to your teams where they need it.
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Six different types of logos on a white background.