One right answer

Intelligent Search

Connect service teams to the right answers with a powerful generative AI search experience.
Provide the Most Accurate, Contextual Answer
Get the exact answer you need to resolve a service issue, not a list of links and documents to sift through.
Understands Your Service Language
By analyzing knowledge articles, policies, manuals, and other data, Intelligent Search learns how issues are resolved in your specific environment.
Deflect Calls & Reduce Call Handle Time
Give agents & technicians answers with Intelligent Search integrated into your CRM, chat, portal, or other existing workflow.
Search Tables and Videos
Neuron7 points directly to the “one right answer” in a document, table, or video. No more digging.
Seamless Integrations
Take your service platform to the next level.
Neuron7 integrates within your existing service environment.
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Six different types of logos on a white background.
G2 Customer Reviews
Neuron7 Customer Experiences
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Instead of spending 3 hours researching and troubleshooting, the tech has their answer in 3 seconds.
Dave Hartley
VP Customer Care, TransLogic, a division of Swisslog Healthcare
Two men are talking to each other in front of a laptop.
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See how Intelligent Diagnostics works within your service workflow.
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