Case Study: How a device manufacturer shared
expert knowledge with new technicians

The Challenge: Predict Resolutions for a Massive Set of Products 

One of the world’s largest manufacturers of testing and measurement instruments wanted a better way to support its 4,000+ products, where each model had a multitude of potential issues and any service interruptions, repairs, and replacement parts added up to huge costs. The variety and complexity of products made it difficult to consistently deliver key metrics in a service organization generating $700M in revenue:
  • First time fix
  • Time to fix (including issue isolation time and “awaiting parts” cycle)
  • Parts wastage
With a number of highly experienced engineers and technicians leaving the organization, taking years of experience and hands-on knowledge with them, the manufacturer needed to capture their expertise and make it available with support teams across 10+ countries.

Neuron7 successfully predicted most of the service order resolutions in production, at a 92.6% accuracy. The average awaiting parts cycle improvement was 8%, and the average Isolation time saw an improvement of 50%, even with junior technicians! Excellent results.

The Solution: Use AI to Capture and Share Expert Knowledge

The manufacturer turned to N7 Diagnostic Intelligence, a solution that creates a continuously learning repository of knowledge for every product, and every issue, to help diagnose and resolve issues more effectively. As part of a production pilot, Neuron7 ingested past case data and manuals for the most complex products to automatically build profiles with predicted issues and resolutions for each. Then, one of the manufacturer’s top engineers validated and consolidated the predictions based on years of experience in the field.
50% faster service issue isolation, 92.6% accuracy

The Results: Fast, Accurate Resolutions for Complex Products

To validate its service predictions, Neuron7 was deployed to junior technicians for the most complex products. Resolution predictions were accurate 92.6% of the time, improving the average issue isolation time by 50% and the average awaiting parts cycle by 8%. With predictions integrated in the CRM, engineers and technicians can easily enter new issues and resolutions, enabling Neuron7 to continually learn and improve accuracy and time to fix over time.

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