Resolution Intelligence for Medical Devices

Continually optimized resolution paths in your service workflow

Resolve medical device service issues with AI that learns from your data and people to generate turn-by-turn resolutions.

doctor using medical devices

The Most Accurate AI for Service at Medical Device Manufacturers

TransLogic empowers field service technicians to improve uptime for healthcare equipment. Learn more.

“The beautiful thing about Neuron7 is that you can take resolutions from case history and instead of 3 hours of troubleshooting, the technician has the answer in 3 seconds."
Dave Hartley
Dave Hartley
VP Customer Care, TransLogic

Accuracy at Scale

90%+ resolution accuracy across thousands of products, issues, people, and data silos

Built for Service

Large language models (LLMs) trained to understand service use cases and medical device terminology.

Seamless Integration

Meet service teams where they work with resolution guidance in your existing service environment.

A Conversation with Dave Hartley of TransLogic

Dave Hartley

AI for Complex Service Organizations

Two people fixing networking equipment

Ebook: How AI Transforms Field Service

Field service technician working onsite

Contact Us

Resolve issues faster with AI that understands your service data and continually learns as you use it.