AI-Powered Intelligent Search for Service

Still struggling with keyword search? Help agents and customers resolve issues faster with Neuron7 Intelligent Search.  

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A Smarter Way to Find Resolutions...Fast

Powered by AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and federated search, Neuron7 understands the human context of questions to find the exact answer on the right page from thousands of knowledge base (KB) articles, product manuals, and support call transcripts.

Light years ahead of keyword-based content search, Intelligent Search helps agents in the call center, technicians in the field, and customers seeking self-service.

Global teams supporting complex products are benefitting from Neuron7 intelligent search by Improving call deflection, first time resolution, service productivity, and other important customer service KPIs.

Companies Finding Better Answers with Neuron7

Intelligent Search Improves All Service Tiers

Self Service

Delight customers and deflect more calls with Intelligent Search-based self-service portals and bots.

Support Centers

Raise the accuracy and speed of searches across structured and unstructured service data to reduce call handle time, escalations, and more.

Field Service

Field engineers can find accurate resolutions on line right away. Reduce time-to-repair and parts wastage.


Resolving more issues on the front lines means less interruptions for engineering so they can focus on innovation.

Contact Us

Resolve issues faster with AI that understands your service data and continually learns as you use it.